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Doughnut with Multiple Series


This demo illustrates the ability of the PieChart to display multiple series on a single chart. Different series are displayed as rings inside one another.

Backend API
$(() => { $('#pie').dxPieChart({ palette: 'ocean', dataSource, type: 'doughnut', title: { text: 'Imports/Exports of Goods and Services', subtitle: { text: '(billion US$, 2012)', }, }, legend: { visible: true, }, innerRadius: 0.2, commonSeriesSettings: { label: { visible: false, }, }, tooltip: { enabled: true, format: 'currency', customizeTooltip() { return { text: `${this.argumentText}<br>${this.seriesName}: ${this.valueText}B` }; }, }, export: { enabled: true, }, series: [{ name: 'Export', argumentField: 'Country', valueField: 'Export', }, { name: 'Import', argumentField: 'Country', valueField: 'Import', }], }); });
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#pie { height: 440px; } #pie * { margin: 0 auto; }
const dataSource = [{ Country: 'Brazil', Export: 241, Import: 225, }, { Country: 'Russia', Export: 536, Import: 284, }, { Country: 'India', Export: 317, Import: 453, }, { Country: 'China', Export: 1702, Import: 1717, }, { Country: 'Japan', Export: 699, Import: 800, }, { Country: 'USA', Export: 1448, Import: 2795, }, { Country: 'Canada', Export: 522, Import: 440, }, { Country: 'France', Export: 626, Import: 717, }, { Country: 'England', Export: 424, Import: 568, }, { Country: 'Germany', Export: 1403, Import: 1000, }];