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Multiple Selection

If the UI component embedded into the DropDownBox allows multiple selection, synchronize the DropDownBox value with the selected items. Synchronization instructions are the same for every selection mode.

In this demo, the DataGrid's selection.mode and TreeView's selectionMode properties are used to enable multiple selection.

Backend API
import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import DropDownBox, { DropDownBoxTypes } from 'devextreme-react/drop-down-box'; import TreeView from 'devextreme-react/tree-view'; import DataGrid, { Selection, Paging, FilterRow, Scrolling, DataGridTypes, } from 'devextreme-react/data-grid'; import CustomStore from 'devextreme/data/custom_store'; import 'whatwg-fetch'; const gridColumns = ['CompanyName', 'City', 'Phone']; const ownerLabel = { 'aria-label': 'Owner' }; const makeAsyncDataSource = (jsonFile: string) => new CustomStore({ loadMode: 'raw', key: 'ID', load() { return fetch(`../../../../data/${jsonFile}`).then((response) => response.json()); }, }); const treeDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('treeProducts.json'); const gridDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('customers.json'); function App() { const [treeBoxValue, setTreeBoxValue] = useState(['1_1']); const [gridBoxValue, setGridBoxValue] = useState([3]); const treeViewRef = useRef<TreeView<any>>(); const treeViewRender = useCallback( () => ( <TreeView dataSource={treeDataSource} ref={treeViewRef} dataStructure="plain" keyExpr="ID" parentIdExpr="categoryId" selectionMode="multiple" showCheckBoxesMode="normal" selectNodesRecursive={false} displayExpr="name" selectByClick={true} onContentReady={syncTreeViewSelection} onItemSelectionChanged={treeViewItemSelectionChanged} /> ), [treeDataSource], ); const dataGridRender = useCallback( () => ( <DataGrid height={345} dataSource={gridDataSource} columns={gridColumns} hoverStateEnabled={true} selectedRowKeys={gridBoxValue} onSelectionChanged={dataGridOnSelectionChanged} > <Selection mode="multiple" /> <Scrolling mode="virtual" /> <Paging enabled={true} pageSize={10} /> <FilterRow visible={true} /> </DataGrid> ), [gridDataSource, gridBoxValue], ); const syncTreeViewSelection = useCallback( (e: DropDownBoxTypes.ValueChangedEvent | any) => { const treeView = (e.component.selectItem && e.component) || (treeViewRef.current && treeViewRef.current.instance); if (treeView) { if (e.value === null) { treeView.unselectAll(); } else { const values = e.value || treeBoxValue; values && values.forEach((value) => { treeView.selectItem(value); }); } } if (e.value !== undefined) { setTreeBoxValue(e.value); } }, [treeBoxValue], ); const syncDataGridSelection = useCallback((e: DropDownBoxTypes.ValueChangedEvent) => { setGridBoxValue(e.value || []); }, []); const treeViewItemSelectionChanged = useCallback( (e: { component: { getSelectedNodeKeys: () => any } }) => { setTreeBoxValue(e.component.getSelectedNodeKeys()); }, [], ); const dataGridOnSelectionChanged = useCallback((e: DataGridTypes.SelectionChangedEvent) => { setGridBoxValue((e.selectedRowKeys.length && e.selectedRowKeys) || []); }, []); return ( <div className="dx-fieldset"> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded TreeView</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={treeBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="name" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={treeDataSource} onValueChanged={syncTreeViewSelection} contentRender={treeViewRender} /> </div> </div> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded DataGrid</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={gridBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" deferRendering={false} inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="CompanyName" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={gridDataSource} onValueChanged={syncDataGridSelection} contentRender={dataGridRender} /> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default App;
import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import DropDownBox from 'devextreme-react/drop-down-box'; import TreeView from 'devextreme-react/tree-view'; import DataGrid, { Selection, Paging, FilterRow, Scrolling, } from 'devextreme-react/data-grid'; import CustomStore from 'devextreme/data/custom_store'; import 'whatwg-fetch'; const gridColumns = ['CompanyName', 'City', 'Phone']; const ownerLabel = { 'aria-label': 'Owner' }; const makeAsyncDataSource = (jsonFile) => new CustomStore({ loadMode: 'raw', key: 'ID', load() { return fetch(`../../../../data/${jsonFile}`).then((response) => response.json()); }, }); const treeDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('treeProducts.json'); const gridDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('customers.json'); function App() { const [treeBoxValue, setTreeBoxValue] = useState(['1_1']); const [gridBoxValue, setGridBoxValue] = useState([3]); const treeViewRef = useRef(); const treeViewRender = useCallback( () => ( <TreeView dataSource={treeDataSource} ref={treeViewRef} dataStructure="plain" keyExpr="ID" parentIdExpr="categoryId" selectionMode="multiple" showCheckBoxesMode="normal" selectNodesRecursive={false} displayExpr="name" selectByClick={true} onContentReady={syncTreeViewSelection} onItemSelectionChanged={treeViewItemSelectionChanged} /> ), [treeDataSource], ); const dataGridRender = useCallback( () => ( <DataGrid height={345} dataSource={gridDataSource} columns={gridColumns} hoverStateEnabled={true} selectedRowKeys={gridBoxValue} onSelectionChanged={dataGridOnSelectionChanged} > <Selection mode="multiple" /> <Scrolling mode="virtual" /> <Paging enabled={true} pageSize={10} /> <FilterRow visible={true} /> </DataGrid> ), [gridDataSource, gridBoxValue], ); const syncTreeViewSelection = useCallback( (e) => { const treeView = (e.component.selectItem && e.component) || (treeViewRef.current && treeViewRef.current.instance); if (treeView) { if (e.value === null) { treeView.unselectAll(); } else { const values = e.value || treeBoxValue; values && values.forEach((value) => { treeView.selectItem(value); }); } } if (e.value !== undefined) { setTreeBoxValue(e.value); } }, [treeBoxValue], ); const syncDataGridSelection = useCallback((e) => { setGridBoxValue(e.value || []); }, []); const treeViewItemSelectionChanged = useCallback((e) => { setTreeBoxValue(e.component.getSelectedNodeKeys()); }, []); const dataGridOnSelectionChanged = useCallback((e) => { setGridBoxValue((e.selectedRowKeys.length && e.selectedRowKeys) || []); }, []); return ( <div className="dx-fieldset"> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded TreeView</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={treeBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="name" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={treeDataSource} onValueChanged={syncTreeViewSelection} contentRender={treeViewRender} /> </div> </div> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded DataGrid</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={gridBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" deferRendering={false} inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="CompanyName" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={gridDataSource} onValueChanged={syncDataGridSelection} contentRender={dataGridRender} /> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default App;
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App from './App.tsx'; ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
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import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App from './App.js'; ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
[{ "ID": 1, "CompanyName": "Premier Buy", "Address": "7601 Penn Avenue South", "City": "Richfield", "State": "Minnesota", "Zipcode": 55423, "Phone": "(612) 291-1000", "Fax": "(612) 291-2001", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitepremierbuy.dx" }, { "ID": 2, "CompanyName": "ElectrixMax", "Address": "263 Shuman Blvd", "City": "Naperville", "State": "Illinois", "Zipcode": 60563, "Phone": "(630) 438-7800", "Fax": "(630) 438-7801", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteelectrixmax.dx" }, { "ID": 3, "CompanyName": "Video Emporium", "Address": "1201 Elm Street", "City": "Dallas", "State": "Texas", "Zipcode": 75270, "Phone": "(214) 854-3000", "Fax": "(214) 854-3001", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitevideoemporium.dx" }, { "ID": 4, "CompanyName": "Screen Shop", "Address": "1000 Lowes Blvd", "City": "Mooresville", "State": "North Carolina", "Zipcode": 28117, "Phone": "(800) 445-6937", "Fax": "(800) 445-6938", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitescreenshop.dx" }, { "ID": 5, "CompanyName": "Braeburn", "Address": "1 Infinite Loop", "City": "Cupertino", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 95014, "Phone": "(408) 996-1010", "Fax": "(408) 996-1012", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitebraeburn.dx" }, { "ID": 6, "CompanyName": "PriceCo", "Address": "30 Hunter Lane", "City": "Camp Hill", "State": "Pennsylvania", "Zipcode": 17011, "Phone": "(717) 761-2633", "Fax": "(717) 761-2334", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitepriceco.dx" }, { "ID": 7, "CompanyName": "Ultimate Gadget", "Address": "1557 Watson Blvd", "City": "Warner Robbins", "State": "Georgia", "Zipcode": 31093, "Phone": "(995) 623-6785", "Fax": "(995) 623-6786", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteultimategadget.dx" }, { "ID": 8, "CompanyName": "EZ Stop", "Address": "618 Michillinda Ave.", "City": "Arcadia", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 91007, "Phone": "(626) 265-8632", "Fax": "(626) 265-8633", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteezstop.dx" }, { "ID": 9, "CompanyName": "Clicker", "Address": "1100 W. Artesia Blvd.", "City": "Compton", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 90220, "Phone": "(310) 884-9000", "Fax": "(310) 884-9001", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteclicker.dx" }, { "ID": 10, "CompanyName": "Store of America", "Address": "2401 Utah Ave. South", "City": "Seattle", "State": "Washington", "Zipcode": 98134, "Phone": "(206) 447-1575", "Fax": "(206) 447-1576", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteamerica.dx" }, { "ID": 11, "CompanyName": "Zone Toys", "Address": "1945 S Cienega Boulevard", "City": "Los Angeles", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 90034, "Phone": "(310) 237-5642", "Fax": "(310) 237-5643", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitezonetoys.dx" }, { "ID": 12, "CompanyName": "ACME", "Address": "2525 E El Segundo Blvd", "City": "El Segundo", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 90245, "Phone": "(310) 536-0611", "Fax": "(310) 536-0612", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteacme.dx" }]
[ { "ID": 1, "name": "Stores", "expanded": true }, { "ID": "1_1", "categoryId": 1, "name": "Super Mart of the West", "expanded": true }, { "ID": "1_1_1", "categoryId": "1_1", "name": "Video Players" }, { "ID": "1_1_1_1", "categoryId": "1_1_1", "name": "HD Video Player", "price": 220 }, { "ID": "1_1_1_2", "categoryId": "1_1_1", "name": "SuperHD Video Player", "price": 270 }, { "ID": "1_1_2", "categoryId": "1_1", "name": "Televisions", "expanded": true }, { "ID": "1_1_2_1", "categoryId": "1_1_2", "name": "SuperLCD 42", "price": 1200 }, { "ID": "1_1_2_2", "categoryId": "1_1_2", "name": "SuperLED 42", "price": 1450 }, { "ID": "1_1_2_3", "categoryId": "1_1_2", "name": "SuperLED 50", "price": 1600 }, { "ID": "1_1_2_4", "categoryId": "1_1_2", "name": "SuperLCD 55", "price": 1750 }, { "ID": "1_1_2_5", "categoryId": "1_1_2", "name": "SuperLCD 70", "price": 4000 }, { "ID": "1_1_3", "categoryId": "1_1", "name": "Monitors" }, { "ID": "1_1_3_1", "categoryId": "1_1_3", "name": "19\"" }, { "ID": "1_1_3_1_1", "categoryId": "1_1_3_1", "name": "DesktopLCD 19", "price": 160 }, { "ID": "1_1_4", "categoryId": "1_1", "name": "Projectors" }, { "ID": "1_1_4_1", "categoryId": "1_1_4", "name": "Projector Plus", "price": 550 }, { "ID": "1_1_4_2", "categoryId": "1_1_4", "name": "Projector PlusHD", "price": 750 } ]
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