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Wind Rose


This demo illustrates a wind rose using the PolarChart component. To specify chart arguments that correspond to cardinal points, the discreteAxisDivisionMode and firstPointOnStartAngle properties of the argumentAxis object are set. In addition, the chart’s onLegendClick event is handled for you to be able to exclude/include certain series to the PolarChart at runtime.

Backend API
<div id="chart-demo"> <dx-polar-chart #chart id="radarChart" palette="soft" title="Wind Rose, Philadelphia PA" [dataSource]="windRoseData[0].values" (onLegendClick)="onLegendClick($event)" > <dxi-series *ngFor="let item of windSources" [valueField]="item.valueField" [name]="" > </dxi-series> <dxo-common-series-settings type="stackedbar"></dxo-common-series-settings> <dxo-margin [bottom]="50" [left]="100"> </dxo-margin> <dxo-argument-axis discreteAxisDivisionMode="crossLabels" [firstPointOnStartAngle]="true" > </dxo-argument-axis> <dxo-value-axis [valueMarginsEnabled]="false"></dxo-value-axis> <dxo-export [enabled]="true"></dxo-export> </dx-polar-chart> <div class="center"> <dx-select-box [dataSource]="windRoseData" displayExpr="period" [inputAttr]="{ 'aria-label': 'Period' }" valueExpr="values" [(value)]="chart.dataSource" [width]="300" > </dx-select-box> </div> </div>
import { NgModule, Component, enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule, BrowserTransferStateModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { DxSelectBoxModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; import { DxPolarChartModule, DxPolarChartTypes } from 'devextreme-angular/ui/polar-chart'; import { WindRose, WindDescription, Service } from './app.service'; if (!/localhost/.test( { enableProdMode(); } declare var __moduleName: string; @Component({ selector: 'demo-app', templateUrl: 'app.component.html', styleUrls: ['app.component.css'], moduleId: __moduleName, providers: [Service], }) export class AppComponent { windRoseData: WindRose[]; windSources: WindDescription[]; constructor(service: Service) { this.windRoseData = service.getWindRoseData(); this.windSources = service.getWindSources(); } onLegendClick({ target: series }: DxPolarChartTypes.LegendClickEvent) { series.isVisible() ? series.hide() :; } } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, BrowserTransferStateModule, DxPolarChartModule, DxSelectBoxModule, ], declarations: [AppComponent], bootstrap: [AppComponent], }) export class AppModule { } platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);
::ng-deep #chart-demo { height: 600px; } ::ng-deep #radarChart { height: 500px; } ::ng-deep #chart-demo > .center { text-align: center; } ::ng-deep #chart-demo > .center > .dx-widget { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; }
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; export interface WindValue { arg: string; val1: number; val2: number; val3: number; val4: number; val5: number; val6: number; val7: number; val8: number; } export interface WindRose { period: string; values: WindValue[]; } export class WindDescription { valueField: string; name: string; } const windSources: WindDescription[] = [ { valueField: 'val1', name: '1.3-4 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val2', name: '4-8 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val3', name: '8-13 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val4', name: '13-19 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val5', name: '19-25 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val6', name: '25-32 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val7', name: '32-39 m/s' }, { valueField: 'val8', name: '39-47 m/s' }, ]; const windRoseData: WindRose[] = [{ period: 'Sep. 1, 2012 - Oct. 1, 2012', values: [{ arg: 'N', val1: 0.7, val2: 1.7, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NNE', val1: 0.1, val2: 0.6, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NE', val1: 0.3, val2: 0.8, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'ENE', val1: 0.3, val2: 0.7, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'E', val1: 0.7, val2: 3.2, val3: 3, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'ESE', val1: 0.8, val2: 1.5, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SE', val1: 0.3, val2: 1.3, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SSE', val1: 0.1, val2: 2.4, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'S', val1: 1.1, val2: 4.2, val3: 2, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SSW', val1: 0.6, val2: 3.6, val3: 3, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SW', val1: 0.8, val2: 2.5, val3: 5, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'WSW', val1: 0.3, val2: 2.6, val3: 3, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'W', val1: 0.6, val2: 1.7, val3: 3, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'WNW', val1: 0.7, val2: 2.5, val3: 3, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NW', val1: 1, val2: 3.2, val3: 3, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NNW', val1: 0.6, val2: 3.8, val3: 4, val4: 2, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }], }, { period: 'Oct. 1, 2012 - Nov. 1, 2012', values: [{ arg: 'N', val1: 0.6, val2: 1.8, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 1, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NNE', val1: 0.3, val2: 1.2, val3: 1, val4: 0, val5: 1, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NE', val1: 0.3, val2: 2.4, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 1, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'ENE', val1: 1, val2: 2.2, val3: 1, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'E', val1: 0.6, val2: 4.9, val3: 2, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'ESE', val1: 0.1, val2: 0.6, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SE', val1: 0.1, val2: 0.3, val3: 1, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SSE', val1: 0.4, val2: 0.7, val3: 1, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'S', val1: 0, val2: 3.1, val3: 3, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SSW', val1: 0.6, val2: 1.8, val3: 4, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SW', val1: 0.7, val2: 1.8, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'WSW', val1: 0.3, val2: 2.5, val3: 5, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'W', val1: 0, val2: 2.8, val3: 6, val4: 2, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'WNW', val1: 0.3, val2: 1.5, val3: 4, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NW', val1: 0.1, val2: 2.7, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NNW', val1: 0.3, val2: 1.5, val3: 1, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }], }, { period: 'Nov. 1, 2012 - Dec. 1, 2012', values: [{ arg: 'N', val1: 0.7, val2: 3, val3: 8, val4: 2, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NNE', val1: 0.4, val2: 1.6, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NE', val1: 0.5, val2: 3.4, val3: 8, val4: 2, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'ENE', val1: 0.3, val2: 4.1, val3: 2, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'E', val1: 1.2, val2: 1.8, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'ESE', val1: 0.7, val2: 0.3, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SE', val1: 0.1, val2: 0.3, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SSE', val1: 0.3, val2: 0.4, val3: 1, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'S', val1: 0.4, val2: 0.8, val3: 1, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SSW', val1: 0.4, val2: 1.5, val3: 0, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'SW', val1: 0.8, val2: 0.1, val3: 1, val4: 0, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'WSW', val1: 0, val2: 1.5, val3: 2, val4: 1, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'W', val1: 0.3, val2: 1, val3: 6, val4: 3, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'WNW', val1: 0.3, val2: 1.2, val3: 3, val4: 1, val5: 1, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NW', val1: 0.3, val2: 0.7, val3: 5, val4: 2, val5: 0, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }, { arg: 'NNW', val1: 0.1, val2: 2.5, val3: 2, val4: 2, val5: 1, val6: 0, val7: 0, val8: 0, }], }]; @Injectable() export class Service { getWindRoseData() { return windRoseData; } getWindSources() { return windSources; } }
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